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: personalized meditation mentorship

You deserve a personal practice that’s a source of nourishment and support… not guilt or shame.

What if your inconsistency with meditation wasn’t your fault?

What if it’s just the natural outcome of:


the myth that “consistency” must = every damn day

and this:

unrealistic expectations created by the wellness industry about what meditation looks like


loads of conditioning that makes us think anything less than perfect isn’t worth it

Let go of the story that you’re not cut out for consistent meditation, and discover a meditation practice that’s inspired, sustainable, and (best of all) a source of real self-nourishment.

welcome to

personalized meditation mentorship

guided is a 90-day individualized experience that begins with you (completely as you are, struggles and all) and culminates with a meditation practice that is uniquely yours and deeply satisfying.

(Because if we can’t enjoy our meditation practice, what are we even doing? )

If you’d like to learn more about Guided and working together, the first step is to schedule a free 15-minute call with me:


Together, we’ll co-create a complete meditation practice that addresses your specific needs, desires, and visions, as well as the obstacles + distractions that get in your way.

Including the most common ones, like:

decision fatigue


The good news is, there are so many options for meditation apps and platforms. The bad news is, there are so many options! Trying to decide can leave you overwhelmed and paralyzed.

As your guide, I’ll not only help you identify which practices are most beneficial for you right now, but I’ll also create a completely custom guided meditation for you - so you know exactly where to press ‘play’ when you want to practice.

lack of motivation


You know that feeling when… you want to do the good thing for yourself, but you just can’t get yourself to do it. Then the not-doing leads to a whole shame spiral, which makes you feel even more crappy than before.

As your guide, I help you discover the completely unique and true reason why you want to meditate in the first place, so that you can feel more connected and inspired. We’ll also unearth the stuff that’s getting in the way, whether it’s a super-slammed weekday schedule, noisy household, physical discomfort, racing thoughts, and more.



Most of the time, it’s just easier not to meditate. Who’s keeping track anyway? Who will notice if you skip or slide?

As your guide, I’ll also be your meditation bestie, cheering you along and keeping you honest without using any guilt or shame tactics. If something’s not working, we’ll tweak it. Because I am genuinely interested in your success and helping you find a personal practice that you love.



Your time is precious. And when schedules start to get squeezed, meditation (and self-care in general) is often the first thing sacrificed. 

As your guide, I’ll help you work with the time you have. I won’t ask you to “make time” where it doesn’t exist. (BTW, if you know the secret recipe for “making time”, I’d love to know.) We’ll co-create a personal practice that is potent and powerful without taking up a ton of time.


You might be thinking…
A personal practice that fits into my life, feels good, and doesn’t induce shame? What’s next, a unicorn ride?

I know the idea of a nourishing, sustainable practice might seem farfetched right now.

But I assure you: it is possible.

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“It's been over two months since our first session together, and I have meditated more in these last two months than I have in an extremely long time. It has encouraged me to carve out the time for myself.

Katie has allowed me to break down some blocks that were stopping me as well as get to the real root of why I wanted a meditation practice, which has been a game changer.”

— Jaime Moar | Yoga Teacher, Human Design Coach, Podcast Host, and Brilliant Human |

how guided works

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  • We meet one-on-one via Zoom. You get to spill all the tea with me on what you really think about meditation, what’s worked in the past, what’s getting in the way, what your hopes and goals are, and what a realistic practice might look like for you.

  • We’ll use my TREE framework to get some clarity around what you need, what’s in the way, and what’s worth experimenting with.

  • I’ll share with you what practices and techniques I think will be a good fit for you, and get your feedback. We may even practice one or two.

  • After our call, I’ll send you notes from our session and a downloadable audio file of your completely personalized meditation practice, as well as some customized tips to get you started.

    But that’s not where it ends! Because I know that the real work starts a week or two or three later, when life starts getting in the way and messing up your well-laid meditation plans.

    That’s why guided includes two additional 1:1 sessions, as well as (!) email/text support throughout the program.

  • For 90 days, I’m your meditation bestie. We can communicate by email, text, or both, about what’s working, how you’re feeling with the personal practice, what new stuff is getting in the way, or any questions you have. I’m also there to remind you that no win is too small and every minute of intentional practice is time well spent.

Ready to experience how magic your personal meditation practice can be?

get guided: $525 usd

the first step is to schedule a free 15-minute call with me:


a little more about the

This framework is the basis of guided — it helps navigate the deeper motivations and resistance around your meditation practice, so that we can begin to define a practice that will be inspiring, nourishing, and sustainable.

what is TRUE?

This first question helps us identify the unique forces at play in your practice. Do you have back pain that prevents you from sitting on the floor? Are there small children calling your attention 24/7? Do you have a job that only allows you small windows of time to yourself? All of this is part of your life, and therefore, part of your practice. Bringing it into the conversation (rather than pretending these factors don’t exist) is the first step to building a practice that’s authentically aligned with you.

Another part of this step is to acknowledge the truth about why you want to meditate. Is it to reduce stress? Improve focus? Increase mindfulness? Connect to your intuition? There are many reasons to meditate, but it’s important for you to know why you are prioritizing it right now. This builds motivation, accountability, and enjoyment.

where is the RESISTANCE?

Simply put: what is getting in the way? What is preventing you from having the practice that you hope for? This might be mental stuff (like having racing thoughts or trouble sticking to a routine) or more material obstacles, like limited time, lack of privacy and/or quiet, or not having found a practice that resonates… yet!

Again, we need to name this stuff in order to transform it!


You are a completely unique individual, and so your experience with breathwork and meditation techniques will be unique to you. It’s important that you have an opportunity to try these techniques with a trusted teacher (that’s me!) to help you. I can’t help but believe that many people are giving up on meditation simply because the first techniques they try aren’t right for them at that time, and there’s no one around to help them troubleshoot. (I’m looking at you, apps. 👀) The beauty of guided is that you can experiment with an experienced guide at your side, especially as you…


Is your Personal Practice providing nourishment, inspiration, and addressing your TRUE motivations? Essentially: is it helping?

Sometimes, starting a new practice ends up giving us new insights about what we really want (or need) from the practice in the first place.

This step is where we reflect and discern what, if anything, can be improved or adjusted to make your practice more personal, more nourishing, more sustainable.

Frequently Asked Questions


What can I expect from the live Zoom sessions?

Your Guided experience kicks off with our first Zoom session, which will be about one hour. I'll be asking you some specific questions to learn about your practice, your "why", and to help me understand which techniques might suit you best. At the end of our call, we'll practice at least one of the recommended techniques together. You'll receive a follow-up email with notes and your Personal Practice recording 1-2 days later.

Our second session (about 30 days later) is to check in and reflect on how your Personal Practice is going. From here, the journey becomes completely tailored to support your practice. Does the recording need to be tweaked? Are you ready for a longer (or alternate) practice? Did something unexpected get in the way of your practice, that we need to address? Did something come up in your life that's causing distress, that you want to focus your practice towards?

Our third session (60 days from Call #1) is another check in, refinement, and deepening of your completely unique experience.

At the end of the 90 days, we'll have a final brief call to celebrate your progress and prepare you to continue your practice. Onward!

(Also, I keep track of the timeline, so you don't have to.)

Is there a payment plan option?

You bet! You can choose to pay in full ($525) or pay in three monthly installments ($175 x 3). If you choose installments, use the coupon code "payplan3" at checkout. You'll receive invoices for the subsequent 2 payments after 30 and 60 days, respectively.

Ok but what kind of meditation are we talking about?

Great question. I have a range of techniques to draw from, including conscious relaxation, breathwork (pranayama), embodied practices, visualization, mantra, and more. We'll choose the techniques based on where you're at and where you want to be, all in the spirit of curiousity and experimentation.

The length and structure of your Personal Practice will totally depend, but it will likely include some breathwork and average length is 8 minutes.

I've never meditated before, but want to. Is this for me?

Yes! Honestly I can't think of anything more wonderful than starting your meditation experience from a place of self-compassion and awareness, and to have all your questions answered as they come up! We'll create a practice that's tailored to your unique personality and situation, and I'll be there along the way to support you.

What if I already have a meditation practice I'm pretty happy with?

First of all - yay. I'm so happy to hear that. If you have a practice that you love, but are still struggling with consistency or other aspects of the practice, I can help with that! However, I am not familiar with all the meditation techniques in the world, so my ability to support you may be limited. I recommend clicking here to book a clarity chat so we can make sure this program can really support you before you commit.

Do I need any special props or yoga accessories?

Nope! In some cases, I may recommend using cushions/pillows to help you find a comfortable practice position, but we can use what ever you have available already. If you want to invest in props (like a mediation cushion) I can make recommendations.