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Breathing Space

ten days of breathwork

$49 | self-guided program | start anytime

your breath is so incredibly powerful.

Whether you are feeling stuck or stressed,
or riding the waves of strong emotions
like grief or fear or anger…

Your breath is the bridge between
mind + body.

Your breath is the key to slowing down, checking the facts,
and connecting to the wise + knowing part of your self.
(She’s always there, even when it feels like she isn’t. Trust me.)

Your breath can calm you.

Your breath can steady you.

Breathing Space is a ten-day guided experience.

We begin with simple breath awareness,
move through several tried-and-true techniques,
and end up with a deeper, more personal connection
to your own inner resource…

your breath.


1o minutes
10 days


These practices are delivered in doable, 10-minute video lessons over the course of 10 days, right to your inbox. 

And if 10 days in a row seems daunting -- no worries. There’s no pressure or shame around taking the time you need. We don’t do that here. 

yours to keep


The video lessons are yours to keep and refer back to whenever you wish.

However, I think you’ll find that once you’ve moved through all 10 days of Breathing Space, you’ll have such a renewed understanding of your breath, that you’ll be able to use these techniques on your own in your real life.

practical skills


through these 10 days and 10 practices, you’ll learn to harness the power of your breath during tough conversations, strong emotions, and any time you want to access your inner calm.


ready to get some
breathing space?


When you sign up for breathing space, you’ll receive an introduction email as well as Day 1 content. Starting the next day, you’ll receive each day’s lesson in the early AM.

Want to delay your start date? Email and we’ll get you set up!


“Day One of Breathing Space was awesome. I loved it. I Didn’t think I had time for it but I’m so glad I made time. This was just the ticket. Thank you.”

— Marsha S.

“Thank you so much for this course. We are the breath and you teach it so beautifully. Thank you for the insights.”

– Robin S.